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The supreme choice for board meeting - 專業同時尊貴

ADN會議系統 (又稱鵝頸咪) 是大型會議室或董事會議房必備的設備之一,在世界各地不少重要會議,甚至總統的演講皆會使用到,因此鵝頸咪被視為身分象徵。

而鵝頸咪之所以經常應用於重要場合,是因為這此場合容不下半點差池,Sennheiser ADN系統的設計令系統運作安全最大化,內置加密算法防止了信息洩漏,令講者可以更專注自己的表達。

想了解更多ADN會議系統如何造就不同重要場合,就萬勿錯過本月24日的WeShare 分享會。

The ADN Conference System (a.k.a. Gooseneck Microphone) is an indispensible part to large meeting rooms and board meeting rooms, and it is a commonplace to crucial occasions such as highly important conferences and presidnet speech. As a result, ADN Conference System has been regarded as a symbol of prestige.

The reason why ADN Conference System is deployed in these occasions very often is because a single mistake is too many. Sennheiesr ADN Conference System maximises operational safety with AES-encoding reliably preventing unwanted eavesdropping, so spekaers can solely focus on their speech.

Register your seat for Weshare Webminar on 24 Februray to learn more how ADN Conference System creates ideal environment for crucial occasions.

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